
الاثنين، 2 أبريل 2012

For the dignity of the citizen

Doctor: Sultan Bin Kayed Al Qassimi
I only want reform and beg only Allah for help
In Him I trust and unto Him I turn
These days, the UAE is witnessing an unprecedented, intellectual juridical and dynamic movement, since the release of a decree to drop the nationality of six citizens of the UAE, and the seventh one was before them. Those seven citizens were known for their service to their country and advocates of social reform. The most prominent stage which illustrates this movement is the online arena, which became the default Tahrir Square for the youth of UAE to defend their civil rights. The movement is divided into two opposing forces on two fronts; one of them views the inadmissibility of withdrawing the citizenship from these seven. This front is led by a group of people from various intellectual spectrums, including the seven of reform advocates. The second front view that it is a must to comply fully with the decree and that those seven deserve this punishment, even if it is too tough. This front is led by a group of the state security apparatus, especially those who are responsible for the fight against the intellectual streams in society.

The careful pause pondering this event shows the seriousness of its risk on the reality and the future of our dear homeland. The nation consists mainly of land and human beings. Consequently, the moment when we relinquish one person from our fellow citizens of this blessed land, does not differ from the moment when we relinquish a piece of home. Who will protect the homeland, but only the men who sacrifice and love their country citing “whoever dies for the sake of his land is a martyr."
Death is easier than losing your citizenship, followed by a relentless media campaign to tarnish their image. Which part of the image? It is the part of their loyalty to their homeland, for which they sacrifice their souls and lives. I wonder, what is the amount of worry and humiliation caused to those seven and their children? But I also wonder, what is the feeling of people of their tribes and those who were described that they are not from the "original citizens"? How will they secure the power sword that is used against them?? And how will they contribute in building the country?
The Security Service, which adopted this unfair decision for submission to the Father His Highness Sheikh Khalifa may God protect him, can not be trusted to adopt another decision in the future that may result unknown consequences for the security of our homeland and the dignity of the citizens. The injustice, caused to these seven, could expand and vary its forms to affect every one. It will be said then: "Actually, I was eaten when the white bull was eaten." No limit to injustice and it doesn’t stop. If we maintain a reverence for the hidden decisions of this apparatus, it will destroy all the gains of our homeland in human rights and dignity.
Perhaps the case of the seven, whose their nationalities were dropped that come to the surface these days and become a matter of public opinion, is just one episode in a series of actions of narrowing and injustice that are practiced on all the civil and official institutions, including the call of reform known to everyone by its moderate approach in dealing with affairs of religion and the world, ranging from closing the Association of reform and social guidance in 1994 to the exclusion of its members from government jobs as well as preventing their children from the missions, the closure of their companies and stop the recording of their homes. The position of the reform advocates towards these practices is patience, facing the pains and communicating with officials, hoping to return to normal and build an understanding with the officials, to remove the effect of intrigues and plots of demons. But we regret that all attempts to communicate with officials have faced the closed doors. The series continued tightening until it reached today to drop the citizenship of some citizens and accusing them of disloyalty to their homeland.
Not only does the overthrow of the citizens` nationality in this way harm those citizens, but it also threatens the state structure and the cohesion of the entire community. It also insults the dignity of the citizens before the residents who work in the UAE and who have countries behind them that keep their dignity and rights. The citizenship of the people and their rights and dignity are redline that shouldn’t be crossed by intervention of any official in the State and shouldn’t be used in settling accounts between the various parties. The difference between people is normal and will continue to the Day of Judgment, and therefore the Constitution affirmed that "equality, social justice, providing security and tranquility, and equal opportunities for all citizens are the pillars of society.”
The time has changed, and our people are no longer a simple primitive, and became conscious of their rights not as it was at the time of parents and grandparents, and broke the barrier of fear. We do not break the barrier of love and respect. The UAE is not a separate planet from the Arab world around us. So it is necessary to hear the advice and to have mature understanding between ruler and his people. "And you are in charge and you will be asked about your people," that is, if we truly want goodness for our country now and in the future.
The call for reform, despite what it faces and suffer from for the sake \ of their religion and homeland, will remain committed to its moderate approach, eager to satisfaction of God first and foremost, and then its dear country and good leadership. The call of Reformation, as ever, embraces any initiative targeting the interest of the nation, and that's not a matter of kindly and gratitude, but as a matter of duty and responsibility and national legitimacy.
By this statement I address:
Their Highnesses the Rulers of the Emirates, the Members of Supreme Council and the Crown Princes, May Allah save them all,
Led by His Highness the father Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Head of State, whose fatherly heart and the wise mind, the safety valve of the blessed country , may God protect him and guide his steps to all the best, And to all the wise people who meet with the their and trust in their wisdom. To be in this great event, a watershed between the humiliation of the citizen and his dignity. We need to have an urgent and serious pause to restore the right to its owners and an initiative of a wise balance between the prestiges of the state on the one hand and the dignity of the citizen on the other. An initiative that restore the citizenship to those seven citizens. It must also include a successful panacea to the cause of the problem in order not to be repeated again in this way, by "freeing the civic life of the security hegemony" and the reduction of absolute powers of the security apparatus. It also must develop regulations to control and watch this important apparatus. It should be also subject to an independent and fair judicial accountability, in order to maintain the human dignity in our country and save it from injustice and humiliation.
Finally, I remind myself and my brothers who seek reform to turn to Allah Almighty, begging him to remove their scourge and forgive them and accept their work. We also ask Him to and protect their homeland, He is the Lord and the patron.
D. Sultan Bin Kayed Al Qassimi
Chairman of the reform call

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